Christmas and New Year Greeting & Web Series Release Date Announced!


The Cast and Staff of the upcoming web series “Making It Again?” Wish you all a very

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


It’s been a long time in the Making of the “Making It Again?” web series but it’s very near completion and we are so excited to announce it’s planned release date of March 2017 on YouTube.


For those who would like to read along with the video below is the transcription of the live video above!


Ladies and Gentleman we are proud to present you with great news. It was our desire to create a film project that would benefit, promote and showcase the bright talents of young teens and adult actors from the local community of the Chicago area and suburbs. In January of 2016 we started shooting the First Episode of the Web TV Series “Making It Again?” and in October we finished Season One. This project was inspired by stories of talented boy sopranos from around the world that we incorporated into the character of the lead role actor Sheridan Cantarelli. Through this character we wanted to show the success and struggles that many talented young actors go through. The special challenges that inexperience and age brings and the effort that is demanded to overcome while attempting to reestablish their careers after their voice changes. The mission of our web series is to encourage and inspire those millions of young artists who are faced or facing this teen age crisis, and to never give up and pursue their goals no matter what.


Hi, My name is Sheridan Archbold. I had the honor to be cast as the lead in the web series “Making It Again?”. This was my debut as an actor. I am very thankful for this wonderful opportunity to showcase my singing and acting skills. Being able to perform several beautiful songs in some of the episodes was very enjoyable. It was a great honor to share the set with a fabulous cast of professional actors, some who have been nominated for different awards. One of the most memorable moments on set was with the amazing actor Chuck Sisson, the winner of the prestigious Jeff Award. He fabulously created the insanely funny character of Sheridan Cantarelly’s acting coach, ”Fritz Hasenpfeffer.”


Season One of the web series is in the final editing stages and we will market it as soon as everything has been completed. Our hope is to launch the series in March of 2017 on You Tube, Cable TV Channel 17 as well as other potential marketing opportunities. We had everything that it takes to create a great web series. Being blessed with a professional cast, creative crew, very creative and dedicated editor who is working right now to deliver great content to the viewers.

As you know filmmaking is a very complex art form: screenwriting, acting, lighting, storytelling, music, editing- all these things have to come together. Of course the last and most difficult stage is the editing. This is where movies are either made or broken. With our Editor our web series is in good hands. The great thing about this series is that it gave the unique opportunity for local talented young actors to share their talent and creativity with a worldwide audience. Naturally we are excited because “Making It Again?” is subject to be nominated in multiple national and international web series festivals and awards. In order to continue with Season 2 we are asking our local Chicago area and worldwide community to support this amazingly inspiring project, that certainly will move your hearts and souls. To learn about this project and the opportunity to show your support, visit the web series website:

Once again!

The “Making It Again?” Team wants to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!